This year Certified Massage Therapists in Virginia have a bill in the State Legislature to require anyone practicing massage in Virginia to become a licensed professional.
Massage Therapy feels great, but moreover it has real health benefits and conversely real health implications. In order to work safely and effectively as a therapist, one must undergo hundreds of hours of training to understand not only massage techniques, but anatomy, physiology, and pathology as well. It is, unfortunately, possible to hurt someone by improperly applying massage techniques.
Currently, anyone wishing to call themselves a Certified Massage Therapist in Virginia must go through the appropriate training, testing, and registration with the Board of Nursing (here's mine). Licensed Therapists would have to undergo the same process. The difference would come in disallowing anyone who is not licensed from legally practicing massage. (Currently an untrained individual may legally provide and charge for massage as long as they don't advertise themselves as a Certified Massage Therapist.)
I will keep you updated on the outcome and if you would like to support this bill, by all means, contact your representatives.