Wednesday, December 15, 2010

kristina's corner

The lights twinkle and glitter around the neighborhood; lighting up the night as the sun leaves us in the moonlit, crisp, chilly air.  These early nights, the harbingers of winter and a new year, bring a kind of quickening-- an excitement of another season to come.  An anticipation as if every wisp of cold breath freed unto the air will return a wish fulfilled as we rotate into 2011.

I love the hope of the future.  The dreams and possibilities.  The idea of positive change and what will come.

This whole season of giving and love and thanking-- of assessing how where we were has led us along the path to where we are, and that's really not so bad--  has a sort of child-like hope behind it.  A collective holding of the breath to see what comes next.  What gift the future, so palpably near, will bring.

Enjoy your gifts this holiday season.  Those you have to give and those you receive.

Be well,

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

news + promos

I still have space at 4:00pm and 4:30 pm this Thursday, December 16 for my open doors day.  I am giving 20-minute Reflexology sessions in exchange for a "love-offering" or "pay-it-forward" especially for those who may have been negatively affected by the economy. Reflexology work is performed on the hands and/or feet and focuses on reflex points that correspond to other areas in the body. Just give me a call if you'd like to take either spot.

Through the end of the month I am offering ten-percent-off a three-pack (or more) of gift certificates or pre-paid three-month (or more) membership. If you are already a member, this applies on top of your membership rate.  Give them all as a gift or keep some for yourself!

quick tip - body image

I recently met a woman who said she had always wanted to try massage, but chose not to because she had a very poor image of her body.  She is not alone-- many people deny themselves the gift  and therapeutic benefit of touch due to self-consciousness and body image issues.

As we spoke, I recalled reading a study that indicated how massage helped improve body image in women who battled with eating disorders.  Therapeutic touch can help connect you with your body and also releases your body's own natural happy chemicals!

For anyone who would like to try massage, but has these types of concerns; I would urge you to find a therapist with whom you can create a partnership and who will work with you at your comfort level.  You might start with Reflexology of the hands or feet (or both) or Energy Work- both of which you can receive while clothed.  Also know that, for any massage, you can undress to your level of comfort.  Though many choose to undress to their underwear or completely, we can tailor our work if you choose to keep more clothing on.  We also keep you covered during the session, other than the area upon which we are actively working.  Your therapist should be open to your concerns and take the time to discuss them with you.

One last thought.  In my own experience, I can tell you that I am not thinking about what someone looks like on my table or whether or not they shaved their legs.  During a session, my attention focuses on areas of tension I feel in the muscles, etc.. and what type of work I should perform to relieve it.